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We are totally excited to be moving our office downstairs next weekend (5/28) to a bigger, better suite with four treatment rooms, a yoga/workshop space and endless potential!  We will see our first patients there on the 30th of May. The place looks great and I cannot wait to move in and create a tranquil, healing sanctuary where we can come together and create more community.

With our bigger space and yoga room, we will be having many more offerings including the return of fertile ground yoga in June  (I can’t believe the first class we had was over 6 years ago in my building’s conference room!) as well as a one day Fertile Soul Retreat on June 12th with my soul-sister Donna, Fertile Soul affiliate and inspirational powerhouse.  A 4-class yoga series is slated to begin on June 4th and will continue for 4 Saturdays (4, 11, 18, 25) at 4:00 PM. Brooke Lewis, our new yoga instructor will be taking over these classes and we look forward to adding many more yoga classes in the coming months (restorative, prenatal/postpartum, flow). We will also add some free meditation groups as well as support groups and community events. Please give us your feedback if there is anything you would like see in terms of classes, groups or other offerings. We’d love to hear from you! Just shoot me an email:

We’ll keep you posted and thanks for all of your support. Pictures of the new space are coming soon…..

I am excited to announce that we are hosting a Fertile Soul One-Day Reclaim Your Fertility Workshop at our new office space on June 12 and also welcoming Randine and The Fertile Soul crew to Denver for a full-length 4-day retreat in July! We are so happy to finally have Randine come to Colorado.  It will be a great opportunity for local residents to attend one of her life-changing retreats without having to travel or pay for lodging. Randine strongly encourages those planning to attend her full-length retreat to come to our one-day workshop on June 12th to learn the basics of the Fertile Soul Method so that she can focus on deeper work during the retreat. The Fertile Soul Retreats are a wonderful way to reconnect, heal and restore– no matter where you are on the family-building journey. I know the retreat process changed my life and has changed the lives of many of my patients over the years. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!

Details for the June 12th One Day Reclaim Your Fertility Workshop:

When: Sunday, June 12, 2011  9:00 AM-7:00 PM

Where: Acupuncture Denver, 899 Logan St. Suite 109, Denver, CO 80203

Workshop includes:

  • understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment
  • group sharing & treatment, community, and individual self-inquiry
  • simple meditation, qigong, and other body-mind practices
  • dietary and self-care therapies to enhance your fertility and vitality
  • handouts, materials, and a copy of The Infertility Cure

Space is limited. Call 303.929.9582 or email to sign up today.

Details about The July Fertile Soul Retreat:

Dr. Randine Lewis and The Fertile Soul will be flying West to the Rockies for this retreat July 8th – July 11th at the Omni Interlocken Hotel located in Denver (Broomfield), Colorado. 

The retreat will begin on Friday afternoon around 3:00 – 4:00pm with an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and an overview of the schedule ahead (specific times will be posted upon registration).  This is a great opportunity to meet with Randine and your fellow guests that are on a similar journey! The Retreat will continue Saturday and Sunday morning and go throughout the days until early evening and will end at 12 noon on Monday afternoon with a group Healing Circle and acupuncture treatment with Dr. Lewis. There will be intermission breaks for Lunch and a few shorter breaks to stretch your legs and get some fresh air throughout the day. Meals will be entirely on your own during these breaks, but there will be refreshments and snacks available in the meeting space during the day. We recommend that you stay close during these breaks as the schedule is full and we will need to start each session promptly in

order to maximize your time with Dr. Lewis. Click here to register!

Everyone needs a tribe. I just returned from my yearly Fertile Soul CEFP practitioner retreat in Austin. It was amazing to connect with friends, old and new, and gather in a circle to share, learn and connect. My tribe. I come back from these gatherings feeling filled up and renewed. This group is the well I draw from so that I can continue to give in my work and life. I am continually touched and inspired by the vulnerability shared with these wonderful souls. When we gather together around our shared experience of working with fertility and heart-centered healing, we can all let our guards down, reveal our fears, grief, sadness and joy. Over the years, we have shared our own journeys with each other: our fertility struggles, our relationship issues, our work challenges, our battles with illness, our inspiration, our births, deaths and our re-birthing.

Randine is like the hub of the wheel that connects us all and holds space for our staying in the realm of the spirit. And we have become like the spokes on the wheel that give structure to her work and carry forth her message in the world. We are continually reminded of the Tao in her presence and challenged to stay rooted in spirit as we work with patients and live our lives. What a gift she has given us.

I am so inspired by my Fertile Soul sisters and brothers.  At the moment I am particularly in awe of Alex Berks, who faced the terrifying reality of cancer last year and is still facing it. Despite the suffering he went through and the possibility of more medical intervention and great uncertainty, he remains a rock of strength and a bright light of love.  He is one of the kindest, most authentic, most open people I have ever known.  Ever since we met at the first CEFP gathering, drinking wine and joking about “plus-one” he has been one of my favorite people on the planet.  Even more that that, I am testifying to the fact that he is a BIG SHOT: a brilliant healer and scholar of Chinese medicine, a wonderful husband (like John Wayne for Denise), an amazing father, a sincere friend, and a prince of a man. I am so proud to know him and to share in his wisdom and light. You shine, Alex. Gratitude to you, friend. And gratitude to all my Fertile Soul companions in this life. I am so happy to be part of our tribe.

The first order of business for those who are having difficulty conceiving is, of course, to remove obstructions to reproductive health and to enhance fertility. When I started the Fertile Soul retreat process, this was, of course, our primary motive. 

Over the years, however, it became abundantly clear that there was a secondary issue that could not be separated from the first. The pain of not being able to conceive is intimately intertwined with the fertility difficulty. I have found that when the suffering over the issue is alleviated, the obstructions are easier to rectify.

Imagine that you are having a challenge with your conception efforts, but there is no pain and suffering over it. Life goes on, with the same loves, joys, challenges, and richness. The agonizing sense of failure is not there. You love your life, your partner, and experience the beauty and abundance in all of life. One of the best pain relievers is a drug that helps you “forget” the pain pathway, even while the painful stimulus is present. This isn’t about denial; it’s about the healing strength of our attentive powers.

I remember a woman who came to retreat last year making this recognition. She said, “I have come to accept that I may not be able to have a baby. But what I miss most of all is being able to enjoy the simple pleasures of life again.”

We all have the source of life within us. We haven’t lost it, no matter how far off it may seem.  If you can imagine your mind letting go of the “infertility” story, if only for an instant, you may be able to be struck by the awe of witnessing the miracle of a sunset again. Of feeling the chill of the winter air and knowing that it doesn’t mean the warmth of all of life is over, just that there is a chill in the air. Spring will come again.

Imagine looking in the mirror and liking what you see; witnessing hope in your eyes again. Imagine experiencing your body as the most wondrous miracle in existence. Imagine being in awe of the creative power that you embody. The story of “infertility” would be just that – a chapter that you are no longer interested in reading.

You may even be able to enjoy holiday gatherings. You may be
able to make new traditions that do not center around the scarcity of your “infertility” story, but instead embrace the creative power as it is still expressing itself.  Allow yourself to feel the hurt, anguish and loss. Don’t push any of it away. Only then can you rise above it. Have the courage to stand in the midst of the pain and let it dissolve. Have the courage to cry, and still show up for life.

In the dead of winter, there is a call for life to emerge. That which we resist (infertility), persists. That which we attend to (the Life force) grows stronger. Where is your focus going to be this holiday season? On scarcity or abundance? The choice is yours.

As you show up for life, acknowledge your pain as you enjoy the smell of holiday fragrances. Experience gratitude for what you already have, and share in the gift of giving. The lives of those we admire most were not one sided – they did not hide out from their pain. They stood in the midst of the pain, and found in it the greatest gift life has to offer. The gift of life itself. All of it.

With gratitude,

Dr. Randine

Here is a great reminder of how to embrace our seasonal shift from Randine Lewis, my mentor and friend, founder of The Fertile Soul:

Happy Halloween, marking summer’s end.  In Gaelic, Samhain marked the Celtic New Year, beginning November 1, when the veil between the worlds was thinnest, as nature turned from the full expression of yang inward to yin, where the born returns to the unborn.

I like to think of this time as coming home. Not necessarily returning to the sentimentality of the secular “home”, but of plowing back under that which is no longer needed to compost that which can be. As the sap returns from nourishing the summer leaves back into the core, let us return to our own inner essence as we evaluate where our energy has been expended. As we begin this return to the depths, may we each have the courage to let go of that which is no longer serving us. Returning to the depths, to our own zhi, is not usually a time where things fit nicely together. It is often a time where things fall apart, and tumble to ruins so we can experience the utter chaos of new potential.

 I have found when I can embrace the processes of nature and live in accordance with the Tao, it sparks this same ability in those who come to me for help. I can only offer that which I have been through and that which I am; not the impotency of that which I have learned. Time is too precious to try to fix things from the outside in. My greatest gift in healing has never been in the form of “Let me do this for you,” but rather, “May I stand with you as your world falls apart?” The potency in healing is like shaking the tree, letting the leaves fall so what is revealed is bare openness, allowing life to emerge freshly once again. Let go of the structures that no longer work. Dare to jump into the abyss of the unknown.

Welcome to Acupuncture Denver, Oriental Medical Arts. We are a fully licensed and board certified acupuncture and Chinese medicine clinic located in central Denver. While we specialize in women’s health and fertility enhancement, we can also treat a wide range of other conditions. Jane Gregorie is a Charter member of The Fertile Soul’s Clinical Excellence in Fertility Program™ and is also ABORM certified as a Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine.

To learn more about our facility and available services, visit our website at, or contact us directly at 303.929.9582. We look forward to hearing from you!