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Dear Friends,

Thank you for visiting our blog. We have moved the blog to our main site. Please visit us there for updates about the clinic, interesting articles, news, events, and inspiration. We appreciate your following us and hope the dialogue can continue on our beautiful site. Please feel free to contact us anytime!


Last Sunday we held a one day Fertile Soul workshop in our new clinic space. Donna Huber, my fellow Fertile Soul Affiliate was in from Omaha to help facilitate.  We had a wonderful day filled with sharing, connection, and healing. Some of the words people expressed at the end of the day were “hope” and “courage” and “understanding”. I am always so inspired by the strength and vulnerability I see in everyone who shares their story during the workshop. One of the highlights of this workshop which was different from our workshops in the past was having some men (spouses) present. The men were able to break-out during the sharing circle to have  men’s-only group, facilitated by Greg Cradick. All of the guys were so appreciative to have this time together to share and connect in a safe space with others who understand.  Our next workshop will be on August 7th at Thirteen Moons Acupuncture in Omaha, Nebraska (Donna’s clinic).

But just around the corner, Randine Lewis will be coming to Denver to hold a full four-day Fertile Soul retreat! It is going to be truly amazing.  I have been fortunate to attend multiple retreats with Randine and can’t express how powerful and transformative they are. I am so excited for Randine and the Fertile Soul team to be coming here and for Merry and I both to be participating in the retreat. This is an event not to be missed if you are looking for a way to heal deeply on your fertility journey.  If you have any questions about the retreat, please feel free to contact me.

It’s official. We move into our new office in the Logan Building (suite 109) today. I’m so excited and overwhelmed! It’s hard not to reflect on the past several years spent in suite 207…so many poignant memories and meaningful exchanges happened within those walls. I’ll always cherish the memories but look forward to a fresh start  and the positive shifts that happen when we take a big leap and make a big change. As much as I’ve felt growing pains in the last few months as we had the new office designed, built out and finished, I’ve also felt excitement about opening up to something a little unknown and new. Stretching ourselves a bit past our comfort zone of what feels safe and familiar is always a good idea– even though it can be anxiety-provoking and scary. I’m ready to shift into our new incarnation as a clinic and embrace the changes that will bring!

I need to acknowledge my support system and support staff for keeping me sane as I made the big decisions and dealt with the logistics around this move: Greg, my better half and free labor source, a man of infinite love and patience; Ezra for being an endless source of joy and love; Shanna & Alyssa, fabulous office assistants; Merry who supports my vision with her steady presence, the yin within my yang; Donna, my soul sister and best friend for always listening and saying what I need to hear; Randine, for awakening my passion about this work so many years ago and for always being there to give me courage and wisdom in my life. I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without all of you. I’m so grateful that have such amazing support holding me up and helping me to have true courage (to practice living and working with my whole heart).

Fertile Ground Yoga is Back! 

With the expansion of our practice, I am excited to announce the return of Fertile Ground Yoga, which runs for four consecutive Saturdays at 4:00 PM starting June 4th. To learn more and register, click HERE.

Fertile Ground classes are for women who are facing fertility challenges and who are looking for a safe place to nurture their bodies, minds, and spirits along the way. Whether you trying to conceive naturally, going through assisted reproductive treatments, grieving a loss, or considering other family building options, there is a space for you here. The class includes meditation, group support, qigong, yoga, self-inquiry, and guided relaxation to enhance your fertility and to support your vitality.

About the instructor: Brooke Lewis, R.Y.T, C.P.T, will be teaching this series. Brooke has been a student of yoga for 11 years. Her journey to becoming a teacher has had a profound effect on her life. Having always been involved in the health and fitness industry, her yoga asana practice was at first a wonderful way to keep her body healthy. Today yoga touches every part of her life and keeps her healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Brooke first met Jane and Merry during her own struggles with fertility. That experience has given her new compassion for, and a desire to help, women in similar situations. She is very grateful to be a part of the Acupuncture Denver team. In addition to being a registered yoga teacher, Brooke is a certified personal trainer and teaches Pilates.  She and her husband are also proud parents to their beautiful son, Cameron.

The cost for the series is $60 or $50 for Acupuncture Denver clients. Please click here to register, or call us at 303.929.9582 to sign up.

We are totally excited to be moving our office downstairs next weekend (5/28) to a bigger, better suite with four treatment rooms, a yoga/workshop space and endless potential!  We will see our first patients there on the 30th of May. The place looks great and I cannot wait to move in and create a tranquil, healing sanctuary where we can come together and create more community.

With our bigger space and yoga room, we will be having many more offerings including the return of fertile ground yoga in June  (I can’t believe the first class we had was over 6 years ago in my building’s conference room!) as well as a one day Fertile Soul Retreat on June 12th with my soul-sister Donna, Fertile Soul affiliate and inspirational powerhouse.  A 4-class yoga series is slated to begin on June 4th and will continue for 4 Saturdays (4, 11, 18, 25) at 4:00 PM. Brooke Lewis, our new yoga instructor will be taking over these classes and we look forward to adding many more yoga classes in the coming months (restorative, prenatal/postpartum, flow). We will also add some free meditation groups as well as support groups and community events. Please give us your feedback if there is anything you would like see in terms of classes, groups or other offerings. We’d love to hear from you! Just shoot me an email:

We’ll keep you posted and thanks for all of your support. Pictures of the new space are coming soon…..

I am excited to announce that we are hosting a Fertile Soul One-Day Reclaim Your Fertility Workshop at our new office space on June 12 and also welcoming Randine and The Fertile Soul crew to Denver for a full-length 4-day retreat in July! We are so happy to finally have Randine come to Colorado.  It will be a great opportunity for local residents to attend one of her life-changing retreats without having to travel or pay for lodging. Randine strongly encourages those planning to attend her full-length retreat to come to our one-day workshop on June 12th to learn the basics of the Fertile Soul Method so that she can focus on deeper work during the retreat. The Fertile Soul Retreats are a wonderful way to reconnect, heal and restore– no matter where you are on the family-building journey. I know the retreat process changed my life and has changed the lives of many of my patients over the years. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!

Details for the June 12th One Day Reclaim Your Fertility Workshop:

When: Sunday, June 12, 2011  9:00 AM-7:00 PM

Where: Acupuncture Denver, 899 Logan St. Suite 109, Denver, CO 80203

Workshop includes:

  • understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment
  • group sharing & treatment, community, and individual self-inquiry
  • simple meditation, qigong, and other body-mind practices
  • dietary and self-care therapies to enhance your fertility and vitality
  • handouts, materials, and a copy of The Infertility Cure

Space is limited. Call 303.929.9582 or email to sign up today.

Details about The July Fertile Soul Retreat:

Dr. Randine Lewis and The Fertile Soul will be flying West to the Rockies for this retreat July 8th – July 11th at the Omni Interlocken Hotel located in Denver (Broomfield), Colorado. 

The retreat will begin on Friday afternoon around 3:00 – 4:00pm with an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and an overview of the schedule ahead (specific times will be posted upon registration).  This is a great opportunity to meet with Randine and your fellow guests that are on a similar journey! The Retreat will continue Saturday and Sunday morning and go throughout the days until early evening and will end at 12 noon on Monday afternoon with a group Healing Circle and acupuncture treatment with Dr. Lewis. There will be intermission breaks for Lunch and a few shorter breaks to stretch your legs and get some fresh air throughout the day. Meals will be entirely on your own during these breaks, but there will be refreshments and snacks available in the meeting space during the day. We recommend that you stay close during these breaks as the schedule is full and we will need to start each session promptly in

order to maximize your time with Dr. Lewis. Click here to register!

Spring is in the air. It’s actually well upon us. The flowers are blooming and the grass is greener and greener every day. It’s my favorite time of year. I love the new growth, the lighter, longer days and the warmer weather. It’s the time of the Wood Element, which enriches our experience of dreaming, creativity, growth and flexibility. In the spirit of new growth, we are embarking on some exciting changes here at Acupuncture Denver. We are planning to expand our office space to incorporate more treatment rooms, a yoga/classroom space, and Jane’s own private office where she can eat her lunch in peace and privacy (and maybe install a treadmill for running in the winter months)! Yay!!

We are also giving our website a much overdue facelift. We will be able to share info more easily and offer more content and education this way. We can’t wait to unveil the new site in the coming weeks.

Change can be stressful but it’s also exciting; we are trying to lean into the creativity and possibilities that are opening up before our eyes. New rooms to decorate, new space to fill, new programming to offer. We are drawing from our roots to find the sustenance we need to make this blossoming happen. And things won’t change too much since we are staying in the same building but moving into a new suite. So you will all still know where to find us!

Stay tuned for more details and other exciting upcoming events…..

Everyone needs a tribe. I just returned from my yearly Fertile Soul CEFP practitioner retreat in Austin. It was amazing to connect with friends, old and new, and gather in a circle to share, learn and connect. My tribe. I come back from these gatherings feeling filled up and renewed. This group is the well I draw from so that I can continue to give in my work and life. I am continually touched and inspired by the vulnerability shared with these wonderful souls. When we gather together around our shared experience of working with fertility and heart-centered healing, we can all let our guards down, reveal our fears, grief, sadness and joy. Over the years, we have shared our own journeys with each other: our fertility struggles, our relationship issues, our work challenges, our battles with illness, our inspiration, our births, deaths and our re-birthing.

Randine is like the hub of the wheel that connects us all and holds space for our staying in the realm of the spirit. And we have become like the spokes on the wheel that give structure to her work and carry forth her message in the world. We are continually reminded of the Tao in her presence and challenged to stay rooted in spirit as we work with patients and live our lives. What a gift she has given us.

I am so inspired by my Fertile Soul sisters and brothers.  At the moment I am particularly in awe of Alex Berks, who faced the terrifying reality of cancer last year and is still facing it. Despite the suffering he went through and the possibility of more medical intervention and great uncertainty, he remains a rock of strength and a bright light of love.  He is one of the kindest, most authentic, most open people I have ever known.  Ever since we met at the first CEFP gathering, drinking wine and joking about “plus-one” he has been one of my favorite people on the planet.  Even more that that, I am testifying to the fact that he is a BIG SHOT: a brilliant healer and scholar of Chinese medicine, a wonderful husband (like John Wayne for Denise), an amazing father, a sincere friend, and a prince of a man. I am so proud to know him and to share in his wisdom and light. You shine, Alex. Gratitude to you, friend. And gratitude to all my Fertile Soul companions in this life. I am so happy to be part of our tribe.

Looking for a way to give back this holiday season? Below is a list of non-profit organizations that we think are extra worthy of your donation or contribution.  We regularly support all of these organizations with financial contributions.

A Glimmer of Hope:
A Glimmer of Hope is a non-profit organization that helps lift women and children out of extreme poverty in rural Ethiopia. Acupuncture Denver looks forward to creating our own campaign through Glimmer of Hope in 2011!

Mudula Water:
Mudula Water is a partnership between adoptive families and Children’s Home Society and Family Services to raise funds and develop a water scheme to deliver clean, safe water to Mudula and the surrounding areas. This cause is near and dear to our hearts, since Ezra was born in Mudula and still has birth family living there. Acupuncture Denver contributed $1000 to this project in December.

International Child Welfare:
A division of the Children’s Home Society & Family Services that provides international adoption programs and other outreach efforts to help vulnerable children in need. Acupuncture Denver sponsors an HIV positive child in the AHOPE community outreach program every year. For just $365 per year, this sponsorship funds one child’s education, medical treatment, and care so that they get the vital support that they need.

Pathfinder International:
An organization that supports reproductive health and family planning all around the world.

Ethiopian Orphan Relief:
A non-profit corporation that works to improve the living conditions and lives of Ethiopian orphans remaining in Ethiopia by working with Ethiopian orphanages and adoption agency care houses to provide supplies, infrastructure and experiences. Jane serverd on the Board of EOR and continues to support them by contributing to their yearly fundraiser and making donations.

Heifer International:
An organization whose mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth. Acupuncture Denver gives “in honor” gifts from Heifer every Holiday. This year, we gave a “Flock of Hope” in honor of one of our favorite physicians.

The Girl Effect:
Powerful social and economic change can be brought about when girls have the opportunity to participate. Donate to causes that support education, family planning, and empowering women and girls through

A leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty, with a special focus on working alongside poor women to improve basic education, prevent the spread of HIV, increase access to clean water and sanitation, expand economic opportunity and protect natural resources.

Amnesty International:
A worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all. Their mission is to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated. Acupuncture Denver maintains a membership with Amnesty International yearly.

Orgyen Khamdroling:
A nonprofit organization that raises money for select projects that support the culture and the spiritual tradition of Tibet, including sponsoring Tibetan children living in rural parts of the Amdo province to attend school.

Acupuncture Denver makes regular monthly contributions to this organization to support their projects and the future Buddhist center to be built in Colorado.

Southern Poverty Law Center:
Located in Montgomery, Alabama, SPLC is internationally known for its tolerance education programs, its legal victories against white supremacists and its tracking of hate groups. Acupuncture Denver maintains a membership yearly to support SPLC.

UNICEF: UNICEF’s mission is to provide special protection for the most disadvantaged children: victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation, and those with disabilities.

Check out this article from Medical News Today on how acupuncture relieves hot flashes and improves the sex drive of cancer patients:

Acupuncture Reduces Hot Flashes, Improves Sex Drive in Breast Cancer Patients

01 Jan 2010   

Not only is acupuncture as effective as drug therapy at reducing hot flashes in breast cancer patients, it has the added benefit of potentially increasing a woman’s sex drive and improving her sense of well-being, according to a Henry Ford Hospital study.

Study results show that acupuncture, when compared to drug therapy, has a longer-lasting effect on the reduction of hot flashes and night sweats for women receiving hormone therapy for breast cancer treatment. Women also report that acupuncture improves their energy and clarity of thought.

The study, published online this week in the Journal of Oncology, is the first randomly controlled trial to compare acupuncture and drug therapy in this way.

“Acupuncture offers patients a safe, effective and durable treatment option for hot flashes, something that affects the majority of breast cancer survivors. Compared to drug therapy, acupuncture actually has benefits, as opposed to more side effects,” says study lead author Eleanor Walker, M.D., division director of breast services in the Department of Radiation Oncology at Henry Ford Hospital.

According to the National Cancer Institute, one in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. For these women, conventional medical treatment involves chemotherapy and five years of hormone therapy. With such a long course of treatment, side effects of hormone therapy such as vasomotor symptoms – hot flashes and night sweats – can become a major cause of decreased quality of life, and even discontinuation of treatment.

Venlafaxine (Effexor) has been the drug therapy of choice to manage these common and debilitating side effects associated with breast cancer treatment. Venlafixine, however, comes with its own set of side-effects: dry mouth, decreased appetite, nausea and constipation.

Since acupuncture has been shown to effectively reduce hot flashes in menopausal women, Dr. Walker and her research team decided to test the use of acupuncture to combat vasomotor symptoms in breast cancer patients as an alternative to drug therapy.

To compare the two options, 50 patients were recruited from oncology clinics at Henry Ford. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either acupuncture or venlafaxine treatment for 12 weeks. The drug therapy group took venlafaxine orally each night, 37.5mg the first week and then 75mg for the remaining 11 weeks. The other group received acupuncture treatments twice per week for the first four weeks, and then once a week for the remaining eight weeks.

At the end of 12 weeks, all patients stopped their therapy and were followed for one year. Patients kept a diary to record the number and severity of hot flashes, and took surveys to measure their overall health and mental health.

The study found that both groups initially experienced a 50 percent decline in hot flashes and depressive symptoms, indicating that acupuncture is as effective as drug therapy.

Differences, however, between the two groups began to emerge two weeks post-treatment: The acupuncture group continued to experience minimal hot flashes, while the drug therapy group had a significant increase in hot flashes. The acupuncture group did not experience an increase in the frequency of their hot flashes until three months post-treatment.

Henry Ford Health System

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