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A date like 1/11/11 only comes once in a lifetime. And the opportunity to change the world by funding a water project is just is just as rare and precious. Part of my commitment as a small business owner is to share my abundance with the world. Acupuncture Denver and those of you who have supported us have given me so much: the opportunity to make a living doing something I love, the ability to connect with amazing, inspiring people on a day-to-day basis, and the access to a lifetime of learning, creativity and healing. As a way of giving back, I hope to raise $5000 for charity : water (by 3/31/11). This will be enough to complete one well/water project for a community in need. Visit my campaign page to make a secure donation–100% of which will go to project costs!!! Or, to learn more about charity:water and the water crisis, go here.

Millions of people all over the world don’t have access to clean water. Most fatal childhood diseases in the developing world are related to unsanitary water. In many countries, young girls have to forfeit an education to spend hours, if not days, carrying water long distances. They not only miss out on the opportunity for an education, but also become vulnerable to violent crimes as they travel long distances, often alone. If you are fortunate enough to be reading this email, you likely have no idea what this experience would be like. But take a moment to imagine what it would be like:

Imagine having to walk a distance equivalent to the space between Park Hill and Confluence Park with a plastic three gallon jug strapped to your back. Imagine that you are a young girl, age 8, alone, without shoes. You have to face many dangers on the trip- animals, strangers, exposure, injury.  Imagine filling up that jug with brown, muddy water and carrying it back miles to your home. Imagine having only that three gallon jug available for all of your water needs:  drinking water, cooking water, and washing water.  Imagine that water makes your family sick. Imagine the youngest and most vulnerable die. But you have no choice, because safe water is unavailable to you.

Just because we are lucky enough not to have to live through that scenario doesn’t mean many others don’t face it every day. The fact that my son, who is from Ethiopia, could have lived through a reality like that hits me deeply and profoundly. It’s easy to objectify the “starving kids in Africa” and numb ourselves to their suffering when they aren’t our kids. I think it’s our habit to separate us from them when things are that uncomfortable, raw and brutal. But I can’t separate myself since one of “those” kids could be my kid, if miraculous events and circumstances had not brought us together. As part of living a wholehearted life, I am making a commitment not to numb myself to suffering– both my own and others’. We can all make that commitment and through it change our lives and the world for the better.

So take a moment to go to my campaign page and give what you can– $1, $11, $110, $1100 (it’s the 1/11/11 thing). And remember, 100% of your donation goes to program costs. Amazing! Hopeful! Beautiful! Make 1/11/11 (or 1/12/11 which is probably when you’ll get this message) a day you will remember for your role in making the world a better place. Thank you again for all you have done to make Acupuncture Denver such a great part of my life!

In gratitude,
