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Dear Friends,

Thank you for visiting our blog. We have moved the blog to our main site. Please visit us there for updates about the clinic, interesting articles, news, events, and inspiration. We appreciate your following us and hope the dialogue can continue on our beautiful site. Please feel free to contact us anytime!


Last Sunday we held a one day Fertile Soul workshop in our new clinic space. Donna Huber, my fellow Fertile Soul Affiliate was in from Omaha to help facilitate.  We had a wonderful day filled with sharing, connection, and healing. Some of the words people expressed at the end of the day were “hope” and “courage” and “understanding”. I am always so inspired by the strength and vulnerability I see in everyone who shares their story during the workshop. One of the highlights of this workshop which was different from our workshops in the past was having some men (spouses) present. The men were able to break-out during the sharing circle to have  men’s-only group, facilitated by Greg Cradick. All of the guys were so appreciative to have this time together to share and connect in a safe space with others who understand.  Our next workshop will be on August 7th at Thirteen Moons Acupuncture in Omaha, Nebraska (Donna’s clinic).

But just around the corner, Randine Lewis will be coming to Denver to hold a full four-day Fertile Soul retreat! It is going to be truly amazing.  I have been fortunate to attend multiple retreats with Randine and can’t express how powerful and transformative they are. I am so excited for Randine and the Fertile Soul team to be coming here and for Merry and I both to be participating in the retreat. This is an event not to be missed if you are looking for a way to heal deeply on your fertility journey.  If you have any questions about the retreat, please feel free to contact me.

It’s official. We move into our new office in the Logan Building (suite 109) today. I’m so excited and overwhelmed! It’s hard not to reflect on the past several years spent in suite 207…so many poignant memories and meaningful exchanges happened within those walls. I’ll always cherish the memories but look forward to a fresh start  and the positive shifts that happen when we take a big leap and make a big change. As much as I’ve felt growing pains in the last few months as we had the new office designed, built out and finished, I’ve also felt excitement about opening up to something a little unknown and new. Stretching ourselves a bit past our comfort zone of what feels safe and familiar is always a good idea– even though it can be anxiety-provoking and scary. I’m ready to shift into our new incarnation as a clinic and embrace the changes that will bring!

I need to acknowledge my support system and support staff for keeping me sane as I made the big decisions and dealt with the logistics around this move: Greg, my better half and free labor source, a man of infinite love and patience; Ezra for being an endless source of joy and love; Shanna & Alyssa, fabulous office assistants; Merry who supports my vision with her steady presence, the yin within my yang; Donna, my soul sister and best friend for always listening and saying what I need to hear; Randine, for awakening my passion about this work so many years ago and for always being there to give me courage and wisdom in my life. I wouldn’t be able to do any of this without all of you. I’m so grateful that have such amazing support holding me up and helping me to have true courage (to practice living and working with my whole heart).

We are totally excited to be moving our office downstairs next weekend (5/28) to a bigger, better suite with four treatment rooms, a yoga/workshop space and endless potential!  We will see our first patients there on the 30th of May. The place looks great and I cannot wait to move in and create a tranquil, healing sanctuary where we can come together and create more community.

With our bigger space and yoga room, we will be having many more offerings including the return of fertile ground yoga in June  (I can’t believe the first class we had was over 6 years ago in my building’s conference room!) as well as a one day Fertile Soul Retreat on June 12th with my soul-sister Donna, Fertile Soul affiliate and inspirational powerhouse.  A 4-class yoga series is slated to begin on June 4th and will continue for 4 Saturdays (4, 11, 18, 25) at 4:00 PM. Brooke Lewis, our new yoga instructor will be taking over these classes and we look forward to adding many more yoga classes in the coming months (restorative, prenatal/postpartum, flow). We will also add some free meditation groups as well as support groups and community events. Please give us your feedback if there is anything you would like see in terms of classes, groups or other offerings. We’d love to hear from you! Just shoot me an email:

We’ll keep you posted and thanks for all of your support. Pictures of the new space are coming soon…..

I am excited to announce that we are hosting a Fertile Soul One-Day Reclaim Your Fertility Workshop at our new office space on June 12 and also welcoming Randine and The Fertile Soul crew to Denver for a full-length 4-day retreat in July! We are so happy to finally have Randine come to Colorado.  It will be a great opportunity for local residents to attend one of her life-changing retreats without having to travel or pay for lodging. Randine strongly encourages those planning to attend her full-length retreat to come to our one-day workshop on June 12th to learn the basics of the Fertile Soul Method so that she can focus on deeper work during the retreat. The Fertile Soul Retreats are a wonderful way to reconnect, heal and restore– no matter where you are on the family-building journey. I know the retreat process changed my life and has changed the lives of many of my patients over the years. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!

Details for the June 12th One Day Reclaim Your Fertility Workshop:

When: Sunday, June 12, 2011  9:00 AM-7:00 PM

Where: Acupuncture Denver, 899 Logan St. Suite 109, Denver, CO 80203

Workshop includes:

  • understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment
  • group sharing & treatment, community, and individual self-inquiry
  • simple meditation, qigong, and other body-mind practices
  • dietary and self-care therapies to enhance your fertility and vitality
  • handouts, materials, and a copy of The Infertility Cure

Space is limited. Call 303.929.9582 or email to sign up today.

Details about The July Fertile Soul Retreat:

Dr. Randine Lewis and The Fertile Soul will be flying West to the Rockies for this retreat July 8th – July 11th at the Omni Interlocken Hotel located in Denver (Broomfield), Colorado. 

The retreat will begin on Friday afternoon around 3:00 – 4:00pm with an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and an overview of the schedule ahead (specific times will be posted upon registration).  This is a great opportunity to meet with Randine and your fellow guests that are on a similar journey! The Retreat will continue Saturday and Sunday morning and go throughout the days until early evening and will end at 12 noon on Monday afternoon with a group Healing Circle and acupuncture treatment with Dr. Lewis. There will be intermission breaks for Lunch and a few shorter breaks to stretch your legs and get some fresh air throughout the day. Meals will be entirely on your own during these breaks, but there will be refreshments and snacks available in the meeting space during the day. We recommend that you stay close during these breaks as the schedule is full and we will need to start each session promptly in

order to maximize your time with Dr. Lewis. Click here to register!

In honor of National Infertility Awareness week, I am inviting one and all to share their family-building stories with us. Whether it’s a story of overcoming enormous odds to have a biological child, experiencing the miracle of adoption, embracing child-free living, or being part of a story that is still unfolding, I would love to hear from you. I have grand plans for a way to share these stories in the future, but for now will plan to share them on my blog. I truly believe in the truth I have learned from Brene Brown’s work on shame and vulnerability/wholehearted living. She believes that “owning our story and loving ourselves through the process is the bravest thing we will ever do.” To learn more about her work, visit her website or blog.

Please share your story with me. I believe sharing our stories is one of the most important ways we can inspire others and help them feel less alone in their own struggles. When you were in the depths of your darkest hours in your own fertility journey, wouldn’t it have been nice to hear an inspiring or just really raw story of someone who had been there? I know we can all benefit from taking the risk to be vulnerable with those who understand this particular struggle of longing, loss and hope. To share your story, please email to me ( with “my story” in the subject line.

I am excited to hold space for this!

Spring is in the air. It’s actually well upon us. The flowers are blooming and the grass is greener and greener every day. It’s my favorite time of year. I love the new growth, the lighter, longer days and the warmer weather. It’s the time of the Wood Element, which enriches our experience of dreaming, creativity, growth and flexibility. In the spirit of new growth, we are embarking on some exciting changes here at Acupuncture Denver. We are planning to expand our office space to incorporate more treatment rooms, a yoga/classroom space, and Jane’s own private office where she can eat her lunch in peace and privacy (and maybe install a treadmill for running in the winter months)! Yay!!

We are also giving our website a much overdue facelift. We will be able to share info more easily and offer more content and education this way. We can’t wait to unveil the new site in the coming weeks.

Change can be stressful but it’s also exciting; we are trying to lean into the creativity and possibilities that are opening up before our eyes. New rooms to decorate, new space to fill, new programming to offer. We are drawing from our roots to find the sustenance we need to make this blossoming happen. And things won’t change too much since we are staying in the same building but moving into a new suite. So you will all still know where to find us!

Stay tuned for more details and other exciting upcoming events…..

We just found out that Acupuncture Denver associate, Merry Reasons, passed the recent ABORM (American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine) Exam.  I am so proud and impressed!! Merry has shown such dedication, hard work, and commitment to Acupuncture Denver over the past few years. Merry started in the clinic in August 2008 when I was on maternity leave and has been with us ever since. Merry followed me in the clinic for many months before starting, trained with Randine Lewis to become  a Clinical Excellence In Fertility (CEFP) member with the Fertile Soul, and agreed to sit for the ABORM exam earlier this month. Here is more information about the ABORM certification from their website:

The ABORM has been formed by leading professionals in Oriental Reproductive Medicine who have come together voluntarily with a resolve to meet the patient and physician demand for a demonstration of knowledge of care in this field. We have recognized the need for a certification to maintain that practitioners who are treating patients with Oriental Medicine in the field of Reproductive Health are doing so with an advanced knowledge and experience, and to allow practitioners to demonstrate their knowledge through the process of voluntary examination.

We are happy to both be certified ABORM fellows and to offer our patients the highest standard of care in the field of Oriental Reproductive Medicine at Acupuncture Denver.  Since this certification is not required, it sets apart those practitioners who have extensive knowledge, experience and dedication to the specialty. Since there are more and more acupuncture “fertility specialists” out there as time goes by, we feel that having met the criteria of the ABORM and having attained status as ABORM fellows distinguishes us as practitioners and as a clinic dedicated to women’s health and fertility enhancement.

In addition to becoming such a great practitioner, Merry has been an amazing support to me as a friend and professional partner at the clinic. Her friendship and loyalty have given me inspiration to grow both personally and professionally over the past few years. As many patients have told me, Merry is very “zen” and  brings a calm presence to any situation. She has the wonderful ability to hold space, allow for open emotional release, and bring non-judgmental compassion to those she touches. I am truly grateful to have Merry in my life and know she gives so much to everyone she treats at the clinic. In addition to  now being a certified ABORM Fellow, Merry has a huge heart, a humble nature and a gentle, calm spirit.  Congratulations, Merry! I don’t know what I’d do without you– you have my gratitude and love!

A date like 1/11/11 only comes once in a lifetime. And the opportunity to change the world by funding a water project is just is just as rare and precious. Part of my commitment as a small business owner is to share my abundance with the world. Acupuncture Denver and those of you who have supported us have given me so much: the opportunity to make a living doing something I love, the ability to connect with amazing, inspiring people on a day-to-day basis, and the access to a lifetime of learning, creativity and healing. As a way of giving back, I hope to raise $5000 for charity : water (by 3/31/11). This will be enough to complete one well/water project for a community in need. Visit my campaign page to make a secure donation–100% of which will go to project costs!!! Or, to learn more about charity:water and the water crisis, go here.

Millions of people all over the world don’t have access to clean water. Most fatal childhood diseases in the developing world are related to unsanitary water. In many countries, young girls have to forfeit an education to spend hours, if not days, carrying water long distances. They not only miss out on the opportunity for an education, but also become vulnerable to violent crimes as they travel long distances, often alone. If you are fortunate enough to be reading this email, you likely have no idea what this experience would be like. But take a moment to imagine what it would be like:

Imagine having to walk a distance equivalent to the space between Park Hill and Confluence Park with a plastic three gallon jug strapped to your back. Imagine that you are a young girl, age 8, alone, without shoes. You have to face many dangers on the trip- animals, strangers, exposure, injury.  Imagine filling up that jug with brown, muddy water and carrying it back miles to your home. Imagine having only that three gallon jug available for all of your water needs:  drinking water, cooking water, and washing water.  Imagine that water makes your family sick. Imagine the youngest and most vulnerable die. But you have no choice, because safe water is unavailable to you.

Just because we are lucky enough not to have to live through that scenario doesn’t mean many others don’t face it every day. The fact that my son, who is from Ethiopia, could have lived through a reality like that hits me deeply and profoundly. It’s easy to objectify the “starving kids in Africa” and numb ourselves to their suffering when they aren’t our kids. I think it’s our habit to separate us from them when things are that uncomfortable, raw and brutal. But I can’t separate myself since one of “those” kids could be my kid, if miraculous events and circumstances had not brought us together. As part of living a wholehearted life, I am making a commitment not to numb myself to suffering– both my own and others’. We can all make that commitment and through it change our lives and the world for the better.

So take a moment to go to my campaign page and give what you can– $1, $11, $110, $1100 (it’s the 1/11/11 thing). And remember, 100% of your donation goes to program costs. Amazing! Hopeful! Beautiful! Make 1/11/11 (or 1/12/11 which is probably when you’ll get this message) a day you will remember for your role in making the world a better place. Thank you again for all you have done to make Acupuncture Denver such a great part of my life!

In gratitude,


Recently, The Expectant Mother’s Guide to Denver published an article written by Jane Gregorie about the effectiveness of acupuncture during pregnancy. Check it out below! 

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have been used for thousands of years to help women enhance their fertility, enjoy a healthy pregnancy, and avoid the postpartum blues. Ancient Chinese medical literature detailing treatments for pregnancy, post-partum, and gynecological diseases dates back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) when the TCM treatise Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Coffer was written by Zhāng Jī. It was the first Chinese medical text to include distinct chapters on women’s health and covers theory, methods, and herbal remedies. For centuries thereafter, Chinese medical physicians continued to develop the fields of Chinese medical obstetrics and gynecology, giving modern TCM practitioners a wealth of time-tested treatments that are still in use today.

Even though acupuncture has become more and more popular in the West in recent years, many people still wonder whether or not it is safe treatment to receive during pregnancy. Acupuncture has been shown to be not only safe, but also highly effective for a wide variety of pregnancy-related health issues, including morning sickness, depression, and pain. In addition to thousands of years of Chinese medical literature devoted to the treatment of pregnant women with acupuncture, modern research has also demonstrated acupuncture’s efficacy for various pregnancy-related ailments. 

In terms of preparing for pregnancy, acupuncture and TCM (including herbal formulas, dietary therapy, and lifestyle modifications) are ideal for optimizing fertility naturally and safely. The cycle of folliculogenesis, or the time it takes for a primordial follicle to become an antral follicle in the ovaries, spans about 90-150 days.  During this time follicles go through protein synthesis and a tonic growth phase, when egg quality can be compromised due to impaired circulation or hormonal imbalance. Increasing blood flow to the ovaries with acupuncture and improving cellular health through nutrition, diet, and herbs during the three months prior to conception all have a positive impact on egg quality. Numerous studies published in the past decade attest to the positive effects of acupuncture on ovarian and uterine blood flow, hormonal regulation, and positive outcomes for women undergoing fertility treatments like in-vitro fertilization.

Once pregnant, acupuncture can treat a host of pregnancy-related conditions, including nausea and vomiting. A 2002 Australian study published in the journal Birth showed acupuncture to be highly effective in relieving nausea and morning sickness when administered on a regular basis. The study included 600 women in their first trimester who received weekly acupuncture treatments for four weeks; these women experienced nausea less frequently and for a shorter duration than women who did not receive acupuncture treatments.

Acupuncture is also a very effective, drug-free method for treating depression, insomnia, and anxiety during pregnancy. A study published in March 2010 from Stanford University found that depressed women who were treated with individualized acupuncture protocols responded very favorably to the treatment. Sixty-three percent of the women in the depression-specific acupuncture group had marked relief, compared to only forty-four percent in the massage/non-specific acupuncture group. This research is groundbreaking in terms of offering pregnant women a safe, effective alternative to anti-depressant drug therapy.

Moxibustion, or the burning of the herb artemesia vulgaris on or near acupuncture points, has also been used for centuries to turn breech presentation babies during the final trimester of pregnancy. The ideal time frame for turning a breech baby with moxa is between 32-34 weeks, but it is best to consult with your doctor before trying this method. Acupuncture can also help soften the cervix, alleviate pain, and shorten labor time during childbirth. While most hospital settings do not allow acupuncture on-site, having frequent treatments during the final weeks of pregnancy is a wonderful way to move into this transition with more ease and less pain.

In addition to these conditions, acupuncture and TCM can also relieve a multitude of other pregnancy-related ailments, including fatigue, headaches, back and pelvic pain, heartburn, stress and anxiety. Acupuncture is also wonderful for treating and resolving post-partum issues, including excessive bleeding, hormonal imbalances, postpartum depression, and pain associated with labor and delivery. Sleep deprived mothers in the post-partum phase benefit more than anyone from the restorative, relaxing and calming effects of acupuncture treatment. In TCM, there is an ancient tradition called “mother-warming” that includes restorative dietary therapy and warming the uterus with moxa to heal and re-balance in the post-partum phase. This is a beautiful way to restore health and vitality after pregnancy and childbirth.

While acupuncture and other modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine can be beneficial at any stage of pregnancy, it is ideal to find an acupuncturist who specializes in women’s health to ensure that you receive the safest, highest standard of care during this time. I encourage women who are looking for an acupuncturist to make sure that their practitioner has a Masters-level education in Oriental Medicine as well as a National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine ( and a Diplomate of Acupuncture board certification. As of 2008, practitioners who specialize in fertility and reproductive health also have the opportunity to be certified through The American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine ( Most acupuncturists who are women’s health specialists with advanced training in reproductive medicine have attained this designation of ABORM Fellow.  In addition to degrees and board certifications, it is also essential to find a practitioner who will empower, educate and support you on your family-building journey and who takes a body-mind-spirit approach.