Last Sunday we held a one day Fertile Soul workshop in our new clinic space. Donna Huber, my fellow Fertile Soul Affiliate was in from Omaha to help facilitate.  We had a wonderful day filled with sharing, connection, and healing. Some of the words people expressed at the end of the day were “hope” and “courage” and “understanding”. I am always so inspired by the strength and vulnerability I see in everyone who shares their story during the workshop. One of the highlights of this workshop which was different from our workshops in the past was having some men (spouses) present. The men were able to break-out during the sharing circle to have  men’s-only group, facilitated by Greg Cradick. All of the guys were so appreciative to have this time together to share and connect in a safe space with others who understand.  Our next workshop will be on August 7th at Thirteen Moons Acupuncture in Omaha, Nebraska (Donna’s clinic).

But just around the corner, Randine Lewis will be coming to Denver to hold a full four-day Fertile Soul retreat! It is going to be truly amazing.  I have been fortunate to attend multiple retreats with Randine and can’t express how powerful and transformative they are. I am so excited for Randine and the Fertile Soul team to be coming here and for Merry and I both to be participating in the retreat. This is an event not to be missed if you are looking for a way to heal deeply on your fertility journey.  If you have any questions about the retreat, please feel free to contact me.