Spring is in the air. It’s actually well upon us. The flowers are blooming and the grass is greener and greener every day. It’s my favorite time of year. I love the new growth, the lighter, longer days and the warmer weather. It’s the time of the Wood Element, which enriches our experience of dreaming, creativity, growth and flexibility. In the spirit of new growth, we are embarking on some exciting changes here at Acupuncture Denver. We are planning to expand our office space to incorporate more treatment rooms, a yoga/classroom space, and Jane’s own private office where she can eat her lunch in peace and privacy (and maybe install a treadmill for running in the winter months)! Yay!!

We are also giving our website a much overdue facelift. We will be able to share info more easily and offer more content and education this way. We can’t wait to unveil the new site in the coming weeks.

Change can be stressful but it’s also exciting; we are trying to lean into the creativity and possibilities that are opening up before our eyes. New rooms to decorate, new space to fill, new programming to offer. We are drawing from our roots to find the sustenance we need to make this blossoming happen. And things won’t change too much since we are staying in the same building but moving into a new suite. So you will all still know where to find us!

Stay tuned for more details and other exciting upcoming events…..