Everyone needs a tribe. I just returned from my yearly Fertile Soul CEFP practitioner retreat in Austin. It was amazing to connect with friends, old and new, and gather in a circle to share, learn and connect. My tribe. I come back from these gatherings feeling filled up and renewed. This group is the well I draw from so that I can continue to give in my work and life. I am continually touched and inspired by the vulnerability shared with these wonderful souls. When we gather together around our shared experience of working with fertility and heart-centered healing, we can all let our guards down, reveal our fears, grief, sadness and joy. Over the years, we have shared our own journeys with each other: our fertility struggles, our relationship issues, our work challenges, our battles with illness, our inspiration, our births, deaths and our re-birthing.

Randine is like the hub of the wheel that connects us all and holds space for our staying in the realm of the spirit. And we have become like the spokes on the wheel that give structure to her work and carry forth her message in the world. We are continually reminded of the Tao in her presence and challenged to stay rooted in spirit as we work with patients and live our lives. What a gift she has given us.

I am so inspired by my Fertile Soul sisters and brothers.  At the moment I am particularly in awe of Alex Berks, who faced the terrifying reality of cancer last year and is still facing it. Despite the suffering he went through and the possibility of more medical intervention and great uncertainty, he remains a rock of strength and a bright light of love.  He is one of the kindest, most authentic, most open people I have ever known.  Ever since we met at the first CEFP gathering, drinking wine and joking about “plus-one” he has been one of my favorite people on the planet.  Even more that that, I am testifying to the fact that he is a BIG SHOT: a brilliant healer and scholar of Chinese medicine, a wonderful husband (like John Wayne for Denise), an amazing father, a sincere friend, and a prince of a man. I am so proud to know him and to share in his wisdom and light. You shine, Alex. Gratitude to you, friend. And gratitude to all my Fertile Soul companions in this life. I am so happy to be part of our tribe.