Foods to Keep You Going 

In traditional Chinese medicine, Fall is the season associated with the Lungs and Large Intestine organ systems, which protect the body against the invasion of pathogens and safeguard our internal resources. Common ailments during this time of year are often associated with dryness and include colds, flu, allergies, breathing difficulties, bronchitis, skin issues and constipation. To help support these organ systems and cultivate good health, we encourage you to eat “with the season” and choose foods that nourish these systems. 

  • Autumn is a very drying season. Keep hydrated with warming, moistening and soft foods that help your skin retain its moisture during dry weather. Soups, stews, and roasted vegetables are especially nourishing, and eating warm foods prepares the body for the transition into colder temperatures. Also be sure to drink herbal or caffeine-free tea, or room-temperature water throughout the day.
  • In Chinese medicine, white foods are known to alleviate dryness and hydrate the body. Cruciferous white vegetables also contain high amounts of isothiocyanates, which are cancer-fighting compounds and immune boosters. Examples of white foods are white mushrooms, potatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, turnips, parsnips, pears, radishes, and white meat (we don’t recommend refined starches and grains such as white bread and rice, however).
  • Enjoy the bounty of the fall harvest, including root vegetables, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins, and use warming spices to reduce phlegm such as cinnamon, cardamom and ginger. Fruits such as apples and pears are especially wonderful when paired with these spices.
  • Avoid raw and cold foods, as they create dampness or phlegm that is stored in the lungs. Avoid excess dairy products as well, as they can exasperate phlegm.
  • Consider scheduling regular acupuncture treatments and/or asking us for supplements and herbs to support your immune system for the transition into winter.

Stay warm, eat well, and take time to nourish your body and mind as we transition into the busy holiday season. We wish you a healthy and peaceful Autumn!